Page 14 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 14
Be aware Of pipeline markers
in your neighborhood
and at your worksite
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Many Pliinlilnsnfnnnfnlss "ssnlnnl_¥ neiglwlmr and provide you with -his are 11E1pful in lotating pipelines. they
suspect! sung tsnrwayusrngaii: irnportanlinformalinnlo helpifyou d . - ‘d ' ;- r 1‘ 1W
«aormscis.mmis.witsmsnsa suspeclapmhleminarea.I"ipeline .;;:;',,*:;:;:,s:‘:,:‘i:::,:5:::;i;:,,,;:“
insperro-s look «or pa-ennui danger to companies mks Ihe safe operation D‘ ii iii iim iii P_.i,_my ,u,,dii,n Di
pipelines such as construction activity their infraslrutulre seriously. whirlm Ihese markers ;s In adsnury the location
°' Sign‘ °‘ Ens °n “nI"“ ‘Em T119“ includes protecting your family. your of ms pipeline generally as an alen lo
lnspnntlnns along tl-slr_plpslin_s mutss pmpverlyv sud IheVEn\\‘/ironment. Because iiim who migiii iii wnrking alnng dis
ans tn_sn_surs tl-s sssusuy and integrity of this a.1.gsnss, mudents are very rare. pipeline corridor fin‘ another ulilily
c-“lieu linss» FWD“, may Pipelines am mama or during ms conslruclion ofhmnes
Pipiiine Companies mp in mm,‘ by aims gmmtd signs to Pmme or businesses .isssnsy. You s1m..}a be
on a regular basis with emergency in iiidicaiiim Di iiiii, Presinm nwnrn of any Plpnlusn masjknrs in your
ofiitials and work with local emergency ,pP,.i,xi,,,m imiion‘ mmiai cmiid i_isiglwlsorlwod- As the s-jiymg guns
responders alongpipeline n'ghLs—A:-frway and the name and cnman informalinn “"°‘” Y°““"“E““°“5- “"“°‘*°‘_""‘1“
in case at an emergency, sometimes 0; (iii mmpany ii,“ Dpmies iim mm and plnnns numbers apps-srlnz
svsn Iraining with fire deparlmenls or Pipzim Markm may in anywhm on tl-I Plpsltns marks-‘s In sass of
hazardmls materials unils. Even l11D|Igh aiong iim ,igi,._c.;,way (3 mil, oi imi sinsrgsncy»
:d1::]1_:nl:r[SDPrL1;S" ;s:Strl:rr‘:-;sil§Euin“l‘i{l<:‘l‘lwaliol1 usu:1!y ahoisz lo’15u digs: Kids that 1Iips1i?s nnafrkfirs are iynlporfim fog
ccInamsap|peme or Irec ynver . s r . 1
like -hat which yon win and on -in Ihe pipeline ussn. These markers i§§§,:i1{i;i i§_.f;‘j;;§; ,'§ Wifiijiiy
following pages that will prepare you generally yellow, black and red in mm. Mass, iiamagi, isimi oi. dg5|;'Dy any
in me went that it does occnr.Their -ms pipeline may not 59110“ slraighl pipeline signs m'n'ghl'o[—waymarker,
hope is to continue to he a quiet course helween markers. While markers
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