Page 18 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 18
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e have all had a safety have leai-ned a leiv and want Io sliare seaiind, it is imporlznt Io plan Dlll ilie
lsresenvldalic-ni a SPEGCDQL iliein wiili you. pninls Io lie inade. i use an ciulline SCI
an aeel em rei-orl. I at . . . Ihat l ean develo or cclnlrasl ilinse
did dd‘ hm dd ddsdrdd lvieiv all eaininnnieaiian and all speech mm as d M ml; audidndds looks
impact, was nal viewed as we had ‘’ ““““““Y l’““‘“’”° '“.“““‘.“‘ W‘ of iindersianding Dr ronfusion. And
lwl2eel- The leeling when lhis happens ‘H k“°d” 3 ‘“ 5fi‘l'’;l’°‘'.‘‘'.‘‘ '5 "W5 ‘° keeping lliese eleinenis simple is
is disliearleiiing, laiii contrasted wllli fm“: 9 “5- VI; 9‘ Tl‘ ls Ts ill:/lrlg Uddddld d was always taught dd dd“
wlien it does, iiie rnxrespnnding elaiian is 0 me e an all lee“ '5 en 0 e _,- I , i 1,
our version D an idea en , serving as . ' '
A: l liave ineniianed laelai-e in rliese a wilnessy OI‘ buying a ear lrdin us‘ 1"?‘ W“ ‘F‘’’’",““‘* ’"°“ °“ ‘° 3 "E",
arlieles, piiai to going into construction ive are always persuading. Willi that P°'“‘> V‘*“““}'“l,¥ 59”“ "° ‘°"5‘“!“"’°
and distnvering iny aisle in saleiy, l realizalinn mine a levy aximns worth P“'P°‘“' W’,“1° “ ‘°““"‘ “""5°‘ 3‘
sianed me as a ieaelier. Despile dIal,l1wis presenling. ‘”°"‘5- “"3 T ‘*‘° “°'“ °‘ 3 ‘l““§"°"
was only a sinall portion al iny wnrking _ , , or mlnmellliv ll allows me In regaln my
[arm i, Pmoundly impede d m an d FIr§lid§ui'dgoIill is ‘to mDVG an afiidienee du‘El:llcIn quickly and arcurately.
siill does to this day. l taught English and gas‘ m lvltldagel ff; sredlllel 31'" Pm Tm,‘ fi,,i,,W,,,P w,,,P,m the
5P°“h C°mmlllllea|l°ns- While 1 9"i°Y9d . °.'l.’°‘" ‘ _°"‘ ‘.5 W E" “Y 3"‘ understanding limp. in our liusiness,
E 1. h . .. individually CII ealleeiively. we need to
ng ls ill was the speech P°‘“°“ thal . h 1, i, . . a lot clfthclse vvlia vvnilr iliere ai-e
l lmli level. and when l lee-neel ll-ere ff“ ‘d"§_ °‘j;f“ W“ ““‘.;‘f l’‘’'“‘ more Iaclile in more ahoul
lellewee me lllmllzll my djggnmg fife 5:531]; 3; wgsjdd dining Ilnan hearing. So. despile saieiys
and eull aeee le-day -n my roles on . . l aianiiy Iorwriuen iesis. ofien praclital
vaxioushoards. Andlslill believemyself hose lheE»‘Thls ls \\1:hy_l-zrlllds gm-ps H dxpmdms indddddngsdmdawhdud
dd dd 3 ddddhdrd an inai- reseai-e exis . rneincii-a e .dh'm. . d 3, rd .” h
sh:-xy,l have always believed. injecls ‘”'°“€ W‘ . '5 1"‘ “m 5' “l W‘ 9
Tlie ability in eaininunieaie and some pei-sanal experience into ilie '“°‘'* °““‘’“-
the hnporlance of it are criliral. dismssion and often ciystallizes liaiii oi,vi.,,.Si,,_ mm muyd he mm ,0 ms
wliile we liave seen a breakdown in ilie idea In be piesenied and provides ,,.ic1e_ Lii,,a,;eS a; iexibnnks hm hm
eaininiinieaiidns in Dul: L:mInlry: lnclsl a memory that the lisienei can retail. \\VriI_(gn aim... ins s..i,,-an, an. ,,a.i.aPs
pmmmently in die polllltal realni, we l will l:-[Ian ask sainenne W}ID daes m:-I mas oguing Wm ,,,Wid,3 haip ;.,, you
Eanncll let it pznneale our everyday know riie specifirs l ivill lae presenling i,E;_,,.E you mi, mg, mn.dn/_ .
exislenee. wliai ai-e ilie rnarlrei-s for In ievieiv iny presenlalinn in Drder (cl
sueeess that we lnnk lni, ilie ieelinidiies allow ine lo fill any voids iliai l liave Mr Isel Me’-llrrell'e4 meimllenl we
to iise and ilie pitfalls Io avoid? wlille l aveilaalred. “W” ’ ”“’ "‘ L“ '" “/3" ”“"‘"! "“”/“’
, VIIHVII/[M1] .$Jyr«r\\
liave inade inisralres through ilie yearsy l
15 . Ml§Sl§5lPDl8l1 2020,lssue1