Page 21 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 21
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he CL:-\\MPM.ITTER. wilh Ihefl also being a enneein, Ihe he applied. For shun inns in cungesled
engineered by Rycom eo.-dless Clampmitter permits Ihe areas, the low power can prevenl hleed
lnsmunenis, Inn. is a unique user In easily lock the unit inside over. The high—powei- selling will light
in-)1 lei induclive mupling. hanrlhnlds and/ur high up dips where up the most stubborn and resistive
The selieoineined indurlive Iransmilter it can operate out oi Ihe pnl:lic's eye. cirmils.
eondenses a transmitter and indlxclive Companies no longer need io.- nioi-e R, b F f 1 . U 0‘
rolxplerinlu one en.-dless package. Ihan one lnralur emplovee to stand -“°'“ .“=‘“‘ '““?“ "“ ‘“"‘>, .9
. . watch. [I also ii-ees Ihe uses to complele 9""“""‘?"‘°" 1”“ ‘“ “"3 ‘“d “ '5 ““‘”
solely was the firsl priurnly when mm mm W Mm 3‘ We shmw In used In the field Ihrnugholxl the Us
designing die self—mnlained. sund an mmmus “mm D“ [M 'b_mDm= and abroad. “This is one oi the best
alone, Iransmilling inductive euuplei-. hm _aV_ Mu must innovalive prndncls l have seen
according to Douglas Reilz, vice ' ’ » ’ ' for years" says Anllmny Johnslune,
president of Kycom lnsnunienls. Rycom The unit is engineered widl three owner or Access Deleclinn in New
worked wilh :4 large ioeus group or variations ol highly capable inductive South \\’\\":dles, Australia. '1‘-\\s one or lily
conlrart lnralors seeking a lightweight h-euuenoies 133 khz. Gskhz. 81 khz: customers has said, it's the besl thing
and ssiei allernalive to hauling hem 33 khz, Cifikhz, 2:3 khz; or 33 hlu, sinee slieed bread." .
lrznsnnller boxes down aging nnenhole Iiukhz, I.1AkhZ): -rhese ii-eqneneies one The Clampmmfl is made in 0“ USA
lodde.-s. commonly‘ available on most lncalors , ,
. . h-one a wide rznve oi nianllfarlurers. ‘E “-"“““.5 "““‘“““"‘.”“““‘* ”‘.
For the localor olien Wurkjllg In W mm" ‘h;m__d mm M dam hens.-is City, Ma. The unu eoines wnh a
dangerous and nnslable job sites, long ‘hm’ to mfch m____ mm“ .a>[k in use 1—year warranty. For more inioninnien.
nins oi turd creale tripping hazards Wm” dmmm mud of 1n’mo__ cm\\lartR_\\lcu)n1h‘lslrIlm2nls,lnr.wwlu
and managing multiple pieres oi hem ' I}muniilxrrlurleillsranl Ell’ 7')'CDn1l'57J
equipment heeoines hu.-densoine. The adjustable nouei selling: allow ion I)TumiIlSlI‘lu1l2IIIS.CDm.
This unil is 0.8 pounds and can clip in Ihe jnsl the righl amount oi signal In
the olxlside oi a pair oi panls or slide
around me arm.
2020, 1 u.ssss.oe.eei . 19