Page 16 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 16
s a yuung ceeu. when I Iulclally I am sure lhal my wlle. who kindly where the roadway was In begin
started driving, I dld not weac I-culews Every aruclz loc me will ask lhz "jogged" seuecal hundrnd ya.-ds across
my sealhek. Iu ccuclu gweu same qucsuon. I leamecl clus hcllavior. another mad wixh a difierenl uamc
llwz age of cacs I could afford clus habit. uoc lsecause Ic was Ahz righr aud resumed ou the miller slde. Both
ac (he came. snalbells were uoc eyeu pa.-c thing co do or because someouc else inlays:-cling mad uamcs we.-c mcluded
clflhe eopupmeuc aucl were ce.-camly sold me that I should do it: I leamecl In our locace request and at lhz Ainlzy
uoc xequirzd co he wom, eyeu II cluey ac. ingrained ac luco myseln because it while lining was not a common pl-acclcc.
\vcr-2 therc.T1wus, ea.-ly In my driving achieved resulls. the .-esulcs I ueeded. II ouce, aflzr visiting clleyooslcc, I wznl
--caceeu‘ I never got mco the habit. wur|<ed. \’\/hen it comes co wlucc lining. by lhz pan or clle mcecsccllou where
. I k‘1l( ldl. . l d.-ldl"'." cl.-
That changed m (be lace slxuzs wlucu 3"‘ ‘*5 ‘"5 "‘ ” Y“ ° ° ‘ ‘‘ ‘a"‘° D‘;j‘i“°m“§E§°fxc:f:dZ:' ‘: $35
I became a delivery and pickup driver In ()]\iDy ouc rlcyised code cequl.-es d I _ I H '1
for the fam” b . Tl .d d h. 1. , . . h COVGKZ wn I an alray cl ags. T lose
y usmess. my prov) e w ue mmg m many clrcurnsxanczs uc mponsmg far marking ll“ “mines
me Wflh a rulatively new pickup truck allows some alccmaclucs and L-XL‘:-puons. had dam ‘hm 01] mm] _ in mm
co drivty oue equippnd with seal belts Yet ll seems lhal we see coo many 1 ‘ ’ * .
. . . . , and we had as well. Nclnellmlessy we dld
aucl extremely hard bench seats (uoc eucmes wllh cIl>]|gauons uudc.- thls part M M the mm W MM (slemr
brukan dowu lsy yea.-s aud mllcs or of clle law failing co use clus cool. I agree mfnunmm WW1 d hm “Nd and
service). I wish I could say I changed my that some sues do uoc leucl themselves . . . . _ _ . | I
. , , » . . wlwlte ]mmg|s a\cr\ elreccwe way ol
bellavmrwlllw and my acucude lowaccls to predrnarklng o.- lhal m some cases‘ dam ‘hat »
szalhelts Ioc some alcculsclc ceasocu wluce lining would cs-eace more or a 5 '
ouc the rrutlw was‘ when driving ac.-sss salecy hazard than Ic would solve, ou so. clue message ls tl1al.wl1enavcr
a rough jols slle, ll was the ouly way I a roadway, for txample. But overall. possllole. co mcccuallzc clue safely
could keep mysell lseluud the wheeL Ic -*pauus' a (learn piclllru ol clle pcecauclou. uoc looking ac lc as a
within adcqllam reach of clue steering cxcauacocs mceuclous. And ll Ic allows necessary rcquin-lnenl or as a wasce oI
wheel and the brake pedal \vk1wu( a mom emclecu markmg prom-ss. then came. ls a more zfficicnt way or getting
sliding across ([19 hard bznclw seal (he came saved cau oc used co corrzctly, the resulls ueeded Io.- safe excavation.
aud away frclm llwz whzel aud pedal. I accu.-accly mark uullues cm that job or And Inc allows you In think ufyourself
rnsigned mysell co wzaring the scacoclc another job, all of which promote salecy as pamclll Ioucs or Kyle lsusclu. so
ac was equipped wlclu aud em-lslouecl to use iuclusccy. muclu chc Letter. 5
myself as Pamclll Joues or Junior .
_ . . years ago, we were extending a roadwav
Johnson suappmg m were a race. But , . » .
. , and we.-e cocumually requesung locaces M: ly.l o ,...,.llc..l 11/ VIII
«he-Mully» the helm and cake. . . . cw, om no cc ,.,... [W
yec uoc xecewmg ([19 markmgs we r I .” j_ ,
so where am I going with l1wis,and how lmew we ueeded for sale txcavazion. ‘
could u possllsly relate to wlucc lining? T119 problem was that che mce.-secclcm
1, . Mlsslsslpnlfill 2020 !ssue2