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 from the desk of
Fred Johnson
2024 is off to a busy start. I can’t believe it’s spring, already.
In addition to all the “normal” things that we have going on, the legislature is in session, and we have been working toward getting some new legislation passed that will, hopefully, lead to fewer damages and relieve a lot of frustrations out in the ditches.
I want to take this time and opportunity to help clarify Mississippi 811’s role in the legislative process.
The first point that I would like to make is: it’s not the Mississippi 811 law that we are dealing with, it’s the MISSISSIPPI REGULATION OF EXCAVATIONS NEAR UNDERGROUND UTILITY FACILITIES. This is the law that protects all underground facilities, as well as all excavators across the state of Mississippi from damage and injuries due to excavation around utility lines.
Way back in 2007, the Mississippi 811 Board of Directors was made aware that the Federal Government (PHMSA) was going to come into all the states and
enforce their rules and regulations in regard to damage prevention if each individual state didn’t step up its own game.
There were several meetings held with the Pipeline Safety Division of the Public Service Commission, MS 811 Board members, legislators, and other key stakeholders to discuss the issue. The decision was made that Mississippi could do a better job at passing and regulating laws in our state than someone in Washington. It was then decided that it would take an organized effort to start addressing the weaknesses in our state law. Your MS811 Board of Directors stepped up to the plate and agreed to take on this responsibility for our members and excavators across the state. It was further agreed that MS811 would hire a lobbyist to assist our members in getting legislation passed. It was further discussed that we already had a grassroots organization in place called the Damage Prevention Coordinating Council, with over 40 small groups meeting across the state. The name was changed to the Mississippi Damage Prevention Committee (MDPC) and meetings were planned for the purpose of strengthening our laws in an effort to make Mississippi a safer place to live and work and to keep the Federal regulators out of our business.
I could write pages of the great accomplishments that have been made since 2007, but I won’t, at this time. The main point that I want to make is: Mississippi 811’s role is to provide our members and all stakeholders across the state with an organized platform to come together for the purpose of proposing and passing legislation through compromise and working together.
Thanks, and remember...rule number one: Safety is in your hands, Call 811 before you dig, every dig, every time.
Fred Johnson
President Mississippi 811
  2024, Issue 1
Mississippi 811 • 1

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