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proposed excavation area with white paint, flags, or stakes, before submit- ting a locate request to MS811.
• When the excavator pre-marks with a single stake or other sin- gle-point indicator, that excavator represents that the proposed exca- vation area does not exceed fifty (50) feet in any direction from the pre-mark.
• Pre-marking is not required, if the excavator provides a sufficient de- scription of the proposed excavation on the locate request ticket; however, the description must afford the oper- ator the same level of confidence in locating as pre-marking would.
Proposed Excavation Area
• The location of the proposed exca- vation provided on a locate request ticket is limited to an area that the ex- cavator reasonably believes may be completed within 14 calendar days and cannot include any area in which the excavator has already completed excavation work.
• The proposed excavation location on a renewal locate request ticket cannot include any area in which the excavator has already completed the excavation work.
Trenchless Excavation
The following applies on the site of any excavation involving trenchless excavation, including directional bor- ing, where the approximate location of underground utility/facility lines has been marked.
• The excavator shall not use pow- er-driven equipment across or within the marked location of underground utilities, unless:
i. The excavator exposes the excavation path by a noninvasive method.
ii. The excavator carefully mon- itors the horizontal and vertical location of the excavation device as it crosses the entire width of the marked utilities.
• When excavating parallel to the marked utilities, the excavator shall use a noninvasive method to identify the actual location of the under- ground utility at careful and prudent intervals.
• A locate request ticket is not required when a qualified operator uses a hand-powered probe rod to map the location of their under- ground facilities, provided that the operator uses reasonable care to pro- tect themself and any underground utilities in the area.
We encourage all stakeholders to famil- iarize themselves with the contents of SB2603 to ensure compliance with the law once it takes effect. We are commit- ted to supporting our industry partners through this transition and ensuring a smooth and successful implementation process.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
         2024, Issue 2 Mississippi 811 • 5

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