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 • Promote a higher level of public safety
• Reduce underground utility damages
• Minimize utility service interruption
• Reduce on the job injuries and worse
• Protect the environment
Any organization is only as good as its people, the effort they put forth, and how they interact with one another. At MS811, our professional and highly trained staff works together as
a team. We value diversity and demonstrate mutual trust
and respect for the dignity of the individual. We believe in innovation, both technically and in the way we do things. We also believe in utilizing our talents to the fullest and in putting forth extra effort to exceed expectations.
MS811 Responsibilities
• Furnish persons giving notice of the intent to excavate an individual locate request number and a list of the member utilities that will be notified.
• Transmit the locate request notice to all members with underground facilities registered within the area of the proposed excavation.
• Maintain and retain an adequate record of all locate request notices for no less than 4 years and shall be made available at a reasonable cost upon proper and adequate advance request.
• Provide services on working days at least between the hours of 7:30 am and 5:00 pm. However, it is our policy to provide services 24/7.
• Voice-record notification phone calls.
• Ensure that after-hour calls at the least reach a voice recording that explains emergency notification procedures.
Common Misconceptions
• MS811 does not locate underground utilities
o We transmit locate request information to the member utility owner/operators.
o The utilities are located by the utility’s in-house staff or by a locating service contracted by the utility.
• MS811 does not determine MS Dig Law changes
o Legislation changes are determined by the MS Damage Prevention Committee (MDPC)
o MDPC is made up of Utility Owner/Operators, Locators, and Excavators
o MS811’s involvement in MDPC meetings is to provide education, support, and guidance only
• MS811 is not regulatory.
o We are educators and messengers
o The MS Dig Law is enforced by the MS Underground
Facilities Damage Prevention Board (UFDPB), not MS811 o Violation fees are used by the UFDPB to provide
Damage Prevention education to violators
o MS811 does not receive any of the violation fees
collected by the UFDPB
2024, Issue 3
Mississippi 811 • 5

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