Page 10 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 10
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Mississippi 3.. celebrated IIWE ~‘r_ V \\k\\ V " ‘
mL7\\'eintol1weirnL-w officc § ‘ V\\\\ , A \\
complex ai Z00 Cauntry Y A
Placn Parkway in Pearl \\vil1waril>lmn 5 . ( 7
cutting Cérclnoll)/a grand tours and a ’
lo! uf reminiscing from IIWQ gallnry of 7
attendees xemembzring the mare than \\ \\ ‘ x .
30 years Mississippi sii had resided at 1 7 1 4
5253 Cedar Park Drive in Jackson. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 __7 _
Asunny but cold day an slwnalot ‘ _ 7, 3 7 :3 J I ‘-”——’~,',,:——;'
pivisiiingsuisidsisuiinsideipiks ,‘ _,_ ’ (V. I" aim _ A pa . V 3 4
cominued lo praise die board of \\ 1- ~---- , 1: W - “ _; . ‘:‘ ‘ ‘ ' I
directors of Mississippi 3.. for their " . ' V ' ‘ 1
Vision In selecting (Ins 1.seaii.s.i and Its r s z s
Potential. '7‘ : . R
Although MississippiSul>eganlL7 ‘ ' .7» ' -Q - , . ,
operate from lh9i|’ll€\\VCImCQCDll1P]L'X ' ‘ L Q .
in late()clohL'r,tl1is was KIWE day set , , ‘ 1‘... -.
aside to rzcognizz l1W9l1('\\V localion and . _
{L7 mdemisei haw it an came together. ‘ ‘.
Additionally‘ the Mississippi xii Board ,, . i
or Direclurs przsenlnd Sam Johnson, ,
president of [hit organization, \\Vll1Wa . , ‘
gold shovel in hclncll’ pniis more Khan ' ’ ,
35 yearsmfservicelothemnnberscuf ( v < .- v. -, _ ‘ - .. V
Mississippi an as well as his leadership
o[(l1€cL7n|pafl)/- | ' "P--* 1 _ -'
Tlmofficel>ui]ding1wasA3.0oosquare """" " '_; X ' /
reeiaddsiisapripeamsinaiieasiiy y ~ _ 7 _ ,7
accnssiblelnduslrialcomp1cx}usl ;-- ' , -i . ,
oHI|1lers(atc1oinPea|'1. Takelhz '« ‘ r : i !\\ . i ,
airpnrt exit (exit 52; on 110‘ cross hack ' V ‘ V
dyer [hf intnrstalc and turn left onto ‘ ’
Countxymace I"arkway./\\f(er(uxning ' 7 ‘ _, e — .‘_
on Country Place I"ar|<way. drivn aissid I .,‘_=— :1. ‘ ' .5: ,—,
onemileandMississippiSuwillbcmn 3 - I K ‘
yourright. ’ __ 7 . ’
Congratulations to Mississippi xii and ‘ v_ __ I , 811
itsmn-nulmxship onlhismove. rim a » 11/ .‘ - ,. y ' ' p
is noquestiun 1siiuiiaiysu'vemaied 5 g_ , 1,; , - . ./ 1 i — -—‘
iiiepsiieeirsuiidaiioiimakedamage 1. rs “ 7. A _ » i A ,;
prevention to llwt-next level’ 5; ‘ 7. ‘ I , .‘i ,7 p _
,..~;— ,, 4- .'_ ~ ' _ 7 ,-7.
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s. Mississrpnifill 2020 Issue}