Page 9 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 9
‘ __ ._._see-' '7 A special thanks to the Summit
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,. — - _ sponsors and exhibitors.
' Platinum
_ ' T; Mississippi 8ii
——<—-i_.___ Progressive Partnering
' V - USIC
- . :3 K‘
/ / K‘ 3., I _ V ‘Y iitlver E
,, .l _ . » , _.- mos nergy
' /- - , ,_ e : val, _ . T ‘- CenterPoint Energy
’ . , ~ "‘ \\ ' Kinder Morgan
' , i " A Bmnze
. Ditch Witch Mid—South
The enioreernent hoards session was particularly well attended and solieited many 3“? C°"‘”°‘°'5' I"°'
eornrnents irorn the andienee. The exhibit hall was filled with prodiiets, servites and °‘f “"3 I ‘ ‘
new Iechnology that will, in part, define the way we do husiness in the future. The Plains All American Pipeline, L.P.
attendees or the siirnrnit rate the 2019 exhibit hall the hest and rnost diverse to date. utility Tmgngng Academy
The 2020 Darnagz Prevention Summit will eontinhe to {ours on enforczinenl, Vermeer Midsouth
proposed legislation whether at the state or fzderal lzvel and bringing diF[ei'ent ideas
‘° 0” ‘°"f"°"" W CONTINUED ON PAGE l5
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The UtiliGuard"‘ 2 Utllity Locating System: ,
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N H E R E S < Tf‘ :" E
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All the woven pevvormancehoostmg features of the orlglnal 1 l ; \\
PLUS lntegvated data eaptlne‘ GFS posltlorllrlgi and a move ‘ ‘:3 J
lmultlve usev lntevface lor a more eonndemr declslve locate. ’
Learn more at subsimcam and B T E.
ask your Ditch Witch dealer.
E L E c T R 0 N I c s
Q Huifl mi cm/les lllalihlfll‘ WWVS. in: S|JL1Sl\\e com