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  Portal Find Ticket - figure 2
charged a processing fee for service updates submitted outside of SAE. The processing fee will be $80 per hour, with a minimum charge of $80 per update. These fees can be avoided by submitting all service area updates through SAE.
An MS811 Portal account with SAE permissions is required to submit service area updates through SAE.
If you do not currently have a Portal account you can sign up at https://www. form/ or by going to https://www.ms811. org/, clicking on “Service Area Editor”, then selecting “Sign Up Online”.
If you have a Portal account but cannot access SAE, contact Amy Williams at (601) 368-1160.
SAE can be accessed by going to https:// or by going to, and clicking the “Service Area Editor” button.
Learn more about SAE by going to editor-2/ or and selecting “Service Area Editor”.
Excavator Requirements
In addition to complying with all other applicable regulations and requirements of federal, state, county, and municipal authorities, no person shall engage in excavation of any kind, before meeting the notification requirements of the MS Dig Law. The law requires excavators to:
• Inform themself of the presence and location of underground utility/ facility (utility) lines in or near the area of excavation.
• Plan and excavate to avoid or minimize interference with or damage to underground utility lines in or near the excavation area.
• Maintain a safe clearance between underground utility lines and mechanical excavating equipment, including during any backfilling operations.
• Pre-mark the approximate boundary of the proposed excavation area with white paint, flags, or stakes, before submitting a locate request to MS811 or provide a sufficient description
of the proposed excavation when submitting the locate request.
      request, work can begin immediately. If all the utilities have not marked or submitted a “Clear” response to PRIS you will need to contact MS811 to submit a “No Response” ticket.
Service Area Editor (SAE)
(see figure 3, Service Area Editor)
MS811 notifies its members of locate requests based on the member’s service area database and the work area location information provided by the excavator. Members are required to submit and maintain an accurate service area database with MS811. The service area is a buffered (radius) area or polygon boundary around
the geographic locations in which infrastructure exists including lines that run underground or into rivers, lakes,
ponds, the gulf, etc. Membership cannot be activated until the service area has been submitted.
Member utilities are required to update their service area database on an annual basis; however, it is recommended that an update be submitted as soon as possible when a new line is put in the ground, or an existing line is sold or abandoned.
All service area updates must be submitted through the MS811 Service Area Editor (SAE). SAE is an online tool that allows members to create, maintain, and edit as well as upload or download their underground service area information. MS811 will provide the member with access to SAE during membership setup or at the request
of the member. Members may be
12 • Mississippi 811 2024, Issue 3
Service Area Editor - figure 3

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